Junior Productions
JR. Productions are for students who have a basic knowledge of Musical Theater, who have taken music, voice, or dance lessons, and/or have acted or performed in some level of show or recital. Students will receive vocal training, and learn basic dance techniques in jazz, tap, and ballet. They will also learn from acting workshops about becoming skilled and believable actors. Students will perform a Musical Review in the winter and a JR Broadway Musical in the spring. This class is designed to help students get the experience and skills they need to advance into Senior Productions.

*Ages 8-13 (through 7th grade)
*No Audition Required
*Tuition $65 per month - 2 Hours/week
*Annual Registration $45
*Production Fees $45 Bi-Annually
*Classes meet Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays OR Thursdays 4:15pm-6:15pm (Pick which day works for you)
*Classes will begin in September