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Jodi Smith

My name is Jodi Smith, I am 45 years old, and a resident of Bountiful, Utah. I am a daughter, a sister, a widow, a mother to six beautiful children, and a warrior battling stage four ovarian cancer. I enjoy reading a good book, playing games, doing puzzles, hiking and being in nature, cheering on my favorite sports teams, and traveling. I love holidays, creating traditions with my children, and spending time with my family.

My cancer journey began 3 ½ years ago while I was living in California. The first year of my diagnosis was tough as I endured many long treatments, and months of being sick and not being able to do the things I love. After a year of working with many doctors and doing chemotherapy, it appeared that my cancer was gone. It was the best news, but just one week after receiving this information, my healthy husband collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. We were told that he had glioblastoma (brain cancer). We could not believe that both of us would have cancer! This was definitely the beginning of the most challenging time of my cancer journey. At this time, I made the decision to care for my husband and do all that I could for him. About 3-4 months into Casey’s treatments, I began to not feel well again and learned that my cancer had returned. I chose to do limited treatments as I wanted to continue to care for my husband, who passed away a year later. After my husband’s passing I began intense treatments and I continue to battle my cancer today.


Contact Us

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Hopebox Theatre

1700 S. Frontage Road
Kaysville, Utah 84037

Box Office Contact Information


Phone Hours: Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM & Thursdays 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

In-Person Hours: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM on show nights

For ticket questions, please leave us a message or send us an email. We will respond within 24-48 hours. 

If you have questions/inquiries during a show run (current production on stage), please send us an email as that is the fastest way for us to respond to you. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. We thank you for your patience.  

Bringing hope to families battling cancer through the performing arts.

Operations and Academy Contact Information


For general or Academy questions, please leave us a message or send us an email. We will respond within 24-48 hours. 

In Person Office Hours: 4:00pm-7:00pm Mondays-Thursdays (September-May) 

© 2024 Hopebox Performing Arts, LLC

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