My name is Keira Lyman, I am 13 years old and I live in Kaysville, UT. I am in the 7th grade and go to Centennial Jr. High. In my family there is my mama, papa, sister Sonya, and brothers Sasha and Dima. I spend most of my time at school, figure skating, drawing, playing piano, and spending time with my family. I also love to play with my cat Pushok and two bunnies, Zoya and Bonya. I really love animals and I hope to be a veterinarian when I am older. When there is time I enjoy being a model for my mama’s pictures. I enjoy reading fantasy books about dragons and like to draw dragons of all shapes and sizes. My mama is my strongest supporter. She is always there for me. School, figure skating, my artwork, piano, and time with friends and family are all the things that my mother does for me. I am also my papa’s princess and I know that he would do anything for me. My Sister and brothers have also been so supportive.
About four months ago when I was at figure skating practice I noticed a small lump on the back of my left calf. I showed my parents and they were concerned, so they scheduled an appointment with a dermatologist. He took a small sample of the lump for testing. We waited a whole month for the results. He finally called us back and said that it looked like cancer. We immediately went to see Dr. Jane Underdown at Primary Childrens Hospital. After that I had to go through so many tests and scans. It was scary and hard. I don’t like needles or getting shots. After lots of tests they decided that I would need surgery to get a larger sample of the tissue. When I woke up after surgery they had taken a large sample of the lump and removed a second spot that they also thought was cancer. A big surprise was that they had put a port in my chest for chemotherapy treatment. Now we have been waiting for further testing to come back. The type of cancer is a rare form of Sarcoma that they are having a little trouble specifically identifying. The doctors have said that my treatment could include chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery. We are hoping to know more as soon as possible.