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Kelsey Sorensen

My cancer journey started in early 2019. I was having constant headaches and feeling pretty crappy. I went to the dr and they tried a few things and then just ended on, "You are a young mom who doesn't get enough sleep." That didn't seem to settle right with me. Through divine guidance, I knew I needed to explore further.

I contacted several neurologists and was told the earliest they could get me in was October. Keep in mind this was early in the year, February/March-ish. I was resigned to give up when I knew I should try just ONE MORE. They told me they could get me in in May.

May comes and I go and the dr seems very worried. He told me I needed an MRI and needed to be back in his office within 48 hours. I was able to get an MRI that night and by the next morning I had an appointment with a neurosurgeon. The tumor was removed within a week of that appointment and about a month later, I was told it was a grade 4 Glioblastoma, the most deadly brain cancer. I was told I had 18-24 months to live.

I started chemo and radiation about a month later. I did radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks and chemo for 9 months.

This all came at such a shock. At the time, I had a 3 and a 5 year old and I couldn't imagine by the time they were 5 & 7, they wouldn't have a mother. This was devastating. I was 30 years old and this was a disease that usually doesn't hit until much later in life.

With lots of support, great doctors and constant service from others, I am here today, 2.5 years later. I am grateful to not be currently in treatment but the effects of the cancer still linger. Many days I struggle to make it through a whole day without getting ill and or being exhausted. I am so grateful to be here today. I am currently on a "watch and wait" status where I get an MRI every 3 months and wait to continue treatment until it becomes aggressive again. I am so thankful to Hopebox for choosing me to be their wall of hope recipient.


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Hopebox Theatre

1700 S. Frontage Road
Kaysville, Utah 84037

Box Office Contact Information


Phone Hours: Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM & Thursdays 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

In-Person Hours: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM on show nights

For ticket questions, please leave us a message or send us an email. We will respond within 24-48 hours. 

If you have questions/inquiries during a show run (current production on stage), please send us an email as that is the fastest way for us to respond to you. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. We thank you for your patience.  

Bringing hope to families battling cancer through the performing arts.

Operations and Academy Contact Information


For general or Academy questions, please leave us a message or send us an email. We will respond within 24-48 hours. 

In Person Office Hours: 4:00pm-7:00pm Mondays-Thursdays (September-May) 

© 2024 Hopebox Performing Arts, LLC

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