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Margo Flint

Updated: Jun 1, 2020

I was born and raised here in Kaysville Utah.  I loved growing up in a small town where everybody knew everybody. My how things have changed ! :)

I attended Kaysville Elementary, Kaysville Jr. High and Davis High School.  I enjoyed being involved in the school and community in various ways. 

After I married I stayed here in Kaysville to raise my family and start my businesses.  I owned a tumbling gym - WEST KAYSVILLE GYMNASTICS and a preschool - FLINTS FUNSCHOOL for 35 years and feel it a privilege to have been able to teach and coach many children.  My goal as a teacher was to help each child develop a healthy self esteem and gain self confidence and to know they are loved.  I hope I made a difference in some small way.

 My years coaching and teaching were treasured memories for me.  I am blessed to be able to do what I love !

I have three beautiful children and twelve amazing grand children.  They are the loves of my life.  Anytime I have free time I want to be with my grandchildren. Being a "Grammy" is the best thing that has ever happened to me :)

We love to play games, snuggle & watch movies, build forts, dance to music, play outside, go camping, waterskiing and anything else as long as we're together !

One of my most memorable opportunities was doing humanitarian work with Southern Cross Humanitarian.  As I served on the board of SCU we were able to help many children in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia.  We built "drop in centers" where the children could get 2 hot meals per day if they attended school.  Tutors were available at the drop in centers to help with homework.  Education is the way out of poverty ! 

I was diagnosed in the Spring of 2019 with Inflammatory Breast Cancer - Triple Negative. A very rare & aggressive cancer.  IBC is a different breast cancer in that it doesn't usually have a tumor.  It is in the skin and tissues.  It can start with a rash, a discoloration of the skin, a small circle that looks like a bug bite, a change in the skin such as thickening or skin looking like an orange peel. 

Because it is often misdiagnosed as an infection it is usually not properly diagnosed until Stage 4.  Mammograms do not detect it.  Ultrasounds do not always detect it.  Biopsies are needed to properly diagnose IBC.

I feel the responsibility of educating the public on this rare/aggressive cancer !

Any change in your breast is reason to get it checked out !  Go to a breast cancer specialist as most doctors do not know about this kind of breast cancer.  We are doing our best to get doctors and the public educated on this type of cancer so it is diagnosed earlier and as a result saving lives.

I will keep "Fighting the Fight" and trying to conquer this beast we call Cancer !


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Hopebox Theatre

1700 S. Frontage Road
Kaysville, Utah 84037

Box Office Contact Information


Phone Hours: Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM & Thursdays 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

In-Person Hours: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM on show nights

For ticket questions, please leave us a message or send us an email. We will respond within 24-48 hours. 

If you have questions/inquiries during a show run (current production on stage), please send us an email as that is the fastest way for us to respond to you. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. We thank you for your patience.  

Bringing hope to families battling cancer through the performing arts.

Operations and Academy Contact Information


For general or Academy questions, please leave us a message or send us an email. We will respond within 24-48 hours. 

In Person Office Hours: 4:00pm-7:00pm Mondays-Thursdays (September-May) 

© 2024 Hopebox Performing Arts, LLC

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