Paige is a determined 14 year old. She's in 9th grade attending North Layton Junior High. She is a cheerleader, sings in advanced choir, and performs in her theatre class. She is focused on doing her best in her honors classes, and always gives 100% in school, and in life. She is the youngest, with 3 older siblings. She reaches out to others who look lonely, or might need someone to sit with during lunch at school.
In August, she became tired, worn out easily, short of breath, and was unable to complete her usual school day with cheer practice. On August 30th she was diagnosed with Leukemia, and quickly began chemotherapy treatments. She has a kind and loving disposition, and her drive to be her best in school is still a focus.
The most difficult part for her since being diagnosed and undergoing grueling chemotherapy treatments is her inability to "physically" continue working 100% on her school goals. She is so sad to not be attending school with her friends, misses choir, cheerleading, and reaching the academic goals she has set for herself. She still thinks of others around her, and is doing her best everyday. But, it has been challenging for her not to be reaching her goals and she often does not feel like she is doing her best.
Sincerely Paige's mom,
Randilyn Jacobs
